For just a little more than $2.00, you can help feed a person in need. The organizations that receive funding from Generosity USA work hard to make sure they provide quality meals, served with dignity. Generosity USA ensures that all programs we support live up to this standard. Organizations must apply for funding each year and provide us with how many people they served and how they have helped improve lives. Generosity USA uses 95% of your donations to support our community. We are here to support those people who are supporting others, but do not have a large budget or team to do fundraising. Through your generosity; life will be made a little easier for so many people. Please consider a onetime donation, or visit our site often. All donations are tax deductable; Generosity USA is a 501 (c) 3. You can search our charity via website. Our EIN# is 27-4518431. Thank you for supporting Generosity USA.