Our Team

Meet the Generosity USA Team


Dale Brouk - Web

Dale Brouk




Patti Korsmeyer


Jeffy - Web

Jeff Erickson


My day job is sales and marketing support for companies in the food manufacturing industry.  What gets me going is to use my love of food to support those in need throughout my community.  I have been feeding those less fortunate and the homeless since 2002.  In 2007 a small group of us began hosting a golf tournament to support this cause. Anyone who does fundraising knows…it is a long, hard road.  However, we pressed forward and in 2011 we formed a 501 (c) 3 Non Profit Organization to further support our passion.  To date Generosity USA has raised in excess of $ 100,000.00 and has donated it so those in need may receive a hot meal or the staples they need for their family.